In this episode Jess and Trey talk about the highly acclaimed horror movie, Get Out!
Spoilers as usual. Download the podcast at your local podcast shop. Rate them on Itunes if you like the show. Email them at
For Further Reading:
Jess: The Invitation
Trey: Hot Fuzz
In this Episode Jess and Trey get drunk and give their views on the 2017 Oscars for the second time! They take 3 hours of an award show and edit it down to an hour and 18 minutes of commentary! They give you all the commentary on what Movies they watched, hated or loved! Spoiler warning for the movies nominated!
Other Topics discussed
La La Land
Manchester by the Sea
Matt Damon
Jimmy Kimmel
Oscars clothes
Bullshit shoes
Hacksaw Ridge
The Red Turtle
Kubo and the two strings
2017 Oscars
Crab Song
Whoopi Goldberg EGOT
Nicole Kidman's tallons
Idris alba
Woody Allen
Academy Awards
Scarlet JoShowerCurtain
Fat Man on Batman
The Lobster
Jimmy Kimmel
Denzel Washington
Viola Davis
Hidden Figures
Mahershala Ali
Casey Afleck
Meryl Streep
This week of The Honey Darling Show, Jess and Trey return from their one month hiatus to bring their first amazing episode for 2017! They bring you their brutal yet gritty thoughts on John Wick: Chapter 2! Spoilers as usual. DOWNLOAD the episode and rate the show on Itunes! email the show at
For Further Reading
Tony Jae
Ong-Bak 1 and 2
The Protector 1 and 2
Yakuza 0
other topics:
Keanu Reaves
Bill Paxton
Near Dark
The Crow
Kathryn Bigelow
Ian Mcshane
Orange is the new black
Jess and Trey hyperdrive through space to bring their thoughts on Rogue one! Did they hate it as much as Episode 7? Is there an ending song as amazing as the gun gun march from Episode 1? Stay tuned to find out! Full Spoilers don't listen if you haven't seen the movie!
For Further Reading
Trey: Star Wars Thrawn Trilogy
Heir to the Empire
Dark Force Rising
The Last Command
Jess: His Dark Materials Books
The Golden Compass
They also talk about
Crix Madine
Kyle Katarn
Dark Forces
The Wind Rises
The Exorcist TV Show
Dr Strange
Point Break
Hammer Frankenstein movies
Robot Chicken
Lady Snowblood
Jess and Trey try to make sense of who is a robot and who isn't Westworld and was that the right finale for the first season? They also shake their whatchamadoos at Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. Jess uses her Harry Potter knowledge to give you all the details of this beastly tale. Download and rate us on Itunes or whatever other podcast app you use! email us at
Fantastic Beasts Start at time 34:30 if you haven't seen Westworld yet.
Jess and Trey take a journey into the dark dimension as they talk their impressions of Doctor Strange. Open your third eye and download this episode and let them fill your soul with their opinions of this new Marvel Flick! Send them an email at
Door of Perception
Stan Lee
Super Hero
Mortal Kombat
Grant Morrison
Aldous Huxley
Dark Dimension
John Constantine
Tilda Swinton
Jess and Trey attempt to tackle the first part of Majora's Mask! This is the audio only version. You can find the video version at
Majora's Mask
Nintendo 64
Video Game Capture
Honey Darling Show
Hey we're back to give you our opinions of Westworld so far! We get super spoilery on the first three episodes! Download us and give us a review on whatever podcast program you use! Email us at!
Flaming Lips
Ed Harris
Yule Brenner
Rachel Leigh Cook
Jess and Trey take a spoiler filled journey through the new Suicide Squad movie with their green magic hearts, fake teeth, and bling to bring you all the spoilers and their thoughts on the movie. DOWNLOAD the episode and tell your friends if you like the show. Rate us on Itunes if you can!
Suicide Squad
Amanda Waller
Witcheroo Switcheroo
King Shark
Killer Croc
Will Smith
David Ayer
Harley Quinn
Jess and Trey get into the paranormal in their SPOILERCAST of Ghostbuster and then venture into the upside down in Stranger things. Download our podcast from iTunes and any other podcast app. Tell your friends!
Battle Pope
The Thing
Robert Kirkman
Jess and Trey travel back to the 1800s to talk the final season of Penny Dreadful and the show as a whole. Then they jump on a dragon and fast travel to Game of Thrones' 6th season. After that they get stuck in a minimum security prison for Orange in the New Black season 4. All the while never loosing their sense of humor.
Teen Idols
Midnight Picture show
Where Dragons rule
Dave Dondero
20 years
Dancing on my own
Game of Thrones
The Flash
Comic Book Villains
John Claire
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Timothy Dalton
Honey Darling Show
Game of Thrones
Orange is the New Black
Penny Dreadful
Trey and Jess Fight on the side of Captain America in episode 9 of The Honey Darling Show. It's no Civil War between these two as they toss the shield between plot points and around Panthers! Your Spider sense will tingle with joy when they can't remember the name of towns, when Jess forgets an entire after credit sequence and Trey knows everything from the original comic books! It's a (helicopter)smashing good time!
Captain America and the Avengers SNES
Spider-man Theme
Captain America
Civil War
Tony Stark
General Ross
Peggy Carter
Peter Parker
Black Panther
Scarlet Witch
Black Widow
Clint Barton
Scott Lang
Bucky Barnes
Winter Soldier
Wanda Maximoff
Baron Zemo
Doctor Strange
Jess and Trey and Jereme of NintenDomain break down the second season of Daredevil in a spoilercast! Listen to them fight blindly through ninjas, mysterious coffins, and unexplained giant pits!
Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety: Main Theme
Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety: Theme of Daredevil
Maximum Carnage: Opening
Daredevil, Punisher, Elektra, Blade, Ghost Rider, The Hand, Stick, Splinter, The Foot, Netflix, Marvel, comics
In this Episode Jess and Trey battle against the mess and madness that is Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. It will take all of their Super-strength and Bat-logic to find a coherent plot line. Has Jesse Eisenburg lost his mind? Is this all a dream or a vision? Why does Lois need so much saving? Tune in to hear their thoughts, Same Bat-time, same Bat-cast!
Flashpoint Paradox
Geoff Johns
Ben Affleck
Henry Cavill
Gal Gadot
Jason Momoa
Grant Gustin
Greg Berlanti
Jess and Trey give you a spirited Oscar worthy commentary for a 3 1/2 hour event in 1 hour and 40 minutes!!!
Oscars, Academy, Room, Revenant, Weeknd, Lady Gaga, Chris Rock, The Martian, Leo, Matt Damen, Brie Larson, Fury Road, Joe Biden, Straight Outta Compton
In this episode of the Honey Darling Show, Jess and Trey pull out their claws and dig into the Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street universes. Trey dreams of a movie based on the Ashe vs Freddy vs Jason comic. Jess loves the practical effects but forgets the name of Kevin Yagher. Who will win in this epic battle of the Slashers? Heads will roll!!!!
Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy, Jason, Robert Englund, Wes Craven, Dream Warriors, Dokken
This is a full on Spoilercast. No piece of information from the plot is safe from being unveiled. Trey and Jess head into the dark times as they tear apart the new movie. Trey was overall disappointed and Jess enjoyed it for the most part. Listen to them talk shit on Kylo Ren and the Empire/First Order.
Star Wars, The Force Awakens, Kylo Ren, Rey, Finn, BB-8, Tusk, Hux, First order, Episode 7, Han, Luke, Leia, Chewbacca, Death Star
Jess and Trey return their Jedi hearts to the holy Trinity on the cusp of the new trilogy. They share there favorite moments and memories from the original Iconic Star Wars Trilogy. They share their thoughts in order to prepare you for the new threat that will reveal it's ugly head with the new Star Wars Movies. They also hope that they won't suck. Yub Nub!
Also Trey realized after the recording that it was Makeup artist Rick Baker's wife who originally played the emperor in Empire. Sorry for any confusion.
Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Chewie, Chewbacca, Han Solo, Lando, Leia, Luke, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Skywalker, Anakin, Yub Nub, Ewoks, Disco, Tauntaun, Wookie, Wampa, Lucas, Light Sabre, Emperor
In this second episode, Jess and Trey explore the rest of the prequel trilogy with Episodes II and III. From the Naboobian hills to the rain drenched Camino, they take a speeder/plane through Anakin's journey to the dark side. Even Anakin's new powers can't save him from their love/hate relationship with him and his crew.
Star wars, Episode, II, III, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, Padme, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Darth Vader, Palpatine, Clones, Naboobians
Trey and Jess have been dating for 2 years and decided to record their nerd talk for your pleasure! In this episode we go down to the bottom of the bottle with Jessica Jones, getting lost on the way in various tangents about side characters and other comics all together! Jess can't remember Krav Maga and Trey knows more about comics then anyone ever! David Tennant controls our hearts and George Lucas has a fist full of pesos and no place to exchange them. Wing Chun!
Jessica Jones, Marvel, Star Wars, Phantom Menace, Light-sabers, Palpatine, Luke Cage, Nuke, Daredevil, Purple Man, Killgrave, Hellcat, Patsy Walker, Rebecca De Mornay, Hogarth, Trinity