In this episode of The Honey Darling Show, Jess and Trey wrap themselves in the lasso of Truth to bring you their honest opinions on DC's latest superhero movie and the first Female led Superhero movie! is it the true symbol of Feminism? The Greatest Movie of all Time? The best use of war shrapnel for a costume design? Stayed and find out! Please DOWNLOAD the podcast and give them a rating on itunes! Spoiler Warning!!!!
For Further Reading:
Trey: Brian Azarello's Wonder Woman
Jess: The Yellow Wallpaper
This week on The Honey Darling Show, Jess and Trey speak with the owls and travel to the black lodge to give you their thoughts on Twin Peaks: The Return! Spoiler Warning! Please DOWNLOAD the episode and give it a rating on Itunes! Email them at to give your theories on Season 3 of Twin Peaks!
For Further Reading:
Jess: Twin Peaks toys
Trey: Riverdale